Friday, September 9, 2011

remembering 9/11

9/11 was not such a bad thing. alot of people will hate me and other idealists. The terrorists in america's eyes are wrong but in their eyes they are right. i side with no one person or side in this.

Al-Qaeda was in the right by what they did to america and they were also wrong. they wanted to start a holy war (jihad) and thats not what they got. They began an all out war with america and no religion is involved.

We as americans say that muslims are in the wrong. allahu akbar (god is great). Thats what they wanna prove and thats what they were thinkin when the planes crashed. when americans died we weren't thinkin of god, we were thinkin of ourselves.

We need to take a lesson from Al-Qaeda and learn that god and others are the only things we need to be concerned with. In their eyes we are the Great Satan and in my opinoin i can see where they get the idea. Greed and money is the root of all evil and since they don't have as much money they can see true and good values nomatter what the cause.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

2nd 9weeks reading list.

Adolf hitler biography: i ike books about adolf hitler and the way he thought about and did things. i read meign kamf and enjoyed it so i am choosing to read his biography.

brian's winter: i like survival books by gary paulson and alot of his other works such as hatchet. i enjoyed reading it and had some of the same questions as other readers if brian had been stuck in the forest for the winter and never had to be rescued so i'm going to read this book.

tree castle island: i enjoy jean craighead george's works and i had a refrence to read this book by many teachers and other readers of his works. i heard it was a good book and can't wait to get to read it.

Monday, October 4, 2010

raven's gate, anthony horowitz, scholastic press 2005


The video Ka-ching is retarted and makes it seem like america has absolutly no values any more and that all we care about is money.
In my opinion money isn't the most important thing in life even though money does help out sometimes.
We (as a nation) have borrowed billions of dollars from other countries such as china leaving us broke and in debt but somehow through all the debt, homelessness and poverty that plauges our nation people like paris hilton and othe rich celebrities get millions and millions of dollars every year to waste when they could be helping the common people of america that can't help themselves.
Money is said to be the root of all evil and is in my eyes. money is the whole subject of the Ka-ching video and in that matter I don't like it one bit and no one else should either.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

semester test

I'm going to pick Grease as my favorite play. The reason i picked this play is because i've seen it many times in my life and i like it every time i watch it. the plot of the story is about 2 people a girl and a guy that fall in love during the school year. i like the movie because of the storyline. i don't not like anything about the movie.
The plot is where this guy goes back to school for his senior year and falls in love with some girl and races his car and wins and thats pretty much it.
it's better than alot of plays i've seen and it is not as boring as most of them that i have watched.
i like the story line and i like the way it carries over from movie to movie unlike other ones.
thats all i can say about that i guess.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

exceptance speech

i except this award with great honor and integrity that i earned it. i'd like to thank my mom, dad, sister, and my girlfriend kari for helping me along with this award all this time and i can't say much more about that. the award for the best driver on earth is an award i admire for excepting and that is all.